Computerworld Cloud Tech Forum
Cloud computing challenges faced by IT management Data Governance By moving the data into the cloud, enterprises will lose some capabilites to govern their own data set - creation / [...]
Cloud computing challenges faced by IT management Data Governance By moving the data into the cloud, enterprises will lose some capabilites to govern their own data set - creation / [...]
3,000,000+ businesses have already Gone Google. Going Google is when a company switches to Google Apps for Business. Google is helping companies of all sizes, in every industry, in every [...]
Cloud Computing Executive Breakfast Briefing: Insurance and Property Today, feedback and usage statistics from users in the insurance and property industries help us bring stress-tested innovation to business customers at [...]
Transforming Your Workplace Through Innovation Panel Discussion: Cloud Strategy from CIO Perspective Accordingly to many analysts, by 2013, Cloud Computing or "anything as a service" will be a major IT trend [...]
CIO Insights Panel: Emerging Technologies - What to Expect and How to Plan As technology continues to rapidly evolve, business leaders are constantly challenged with finding which emerging technology will [...]
After several years of retrenchment as a result of the global financial turmoil, financial institutions nowadays face an array of chances and challenges. Meanwhile, advanced capabilities are increasingly adopted and [...]
Computerworld Hong Kong "Multifunction printing/scanning devices, while in isolation may not seem to impact the business as much as some technologies, do involve extensive change management in the office environment [...]
Through the 3rd Annual CIO Executive Summit 2010 hosted by MIG, our guest speakers will share some valuable insights and best practices to manage the accelerating change in IT environment. [...]
Banking review ‘Invoering OV-chipkaart uitgesteld’. ‘Grote problemen met het nieuwe paspoort’. Op basis van dergelijke berichten die regelmatig in de krant en op Internet staan, lijkt het alsof Nederland moeite [...]
Intermediairverzekeraars ontwikkelen offertesoftware om tussenpersonen te helpen bij het verkoopproces. Ze kunnen hiermee premieberekeningen en offertes maken en aanvragen insturen naar de verzekeraar. Zowel de offertesoftware die op cd-rom wordt [...]